How many bottles of water do you drink every day? If you’re trying to get in those 64oz per day, that’s roughly four 16oz bottles per person. In a family of four, that’s over 100 bottles per week. That’s a lot of plastic. Even if you’re recycling, you’re still wasting money. Imagine being able to easily fill a reusable water bottle multiple times per day. Would you miss those disposable bottles?
We all want to use products that you can feel good about using for your family. Yet, have you ever stopped to think about what might be hiding in the food you serve your family or the cleaning products you use? It can be frightening to step back and look at the ingredients. You want to make the best decisions for your family, but where do you even begin? Before you allow yourself to become overwhelmed, let’s look at some easy changes to keep your family safe.
One of the things holding people back from traveling more often is the cost of flights. But what if you could save some serious money? Believe it or not, you can pay a small fraction of what people normally pay for flights, simply by spending a bit of time online. Let’s take a closer look at some tips for shopping for flights.
Summer getaways do not have to be expensive. Believe it or not, you can travel during the summer months without paying outrageous tourist prices. Whether you travel to locations that aren’t as popular in the summer or you seek out new hotels and resorts, you can make summer getaways affordable.
If you’re on a budget, you may immediately think that staying outside of the Disney resort will save you money, but will it? Can planning your own vacation be less expensive than going with a Disney package? You may be surprised at which option is less expensive. Let’s take a closer look.
People often ask how I’m able to take so many vacations. I understand the questioning look in their eyes, I do. Flying isn’t cheap. If you’re smart about how you pay your bills, you can earn the miles needed to fly around the world. In fact, I’ve taken 25 flights thanks to this little trick. Want to know what the trick is? Keep reading.
For those of you that know me, you know I’m always trying my best to take care of my skin, especially when the seasons change. I’m lucky that I live in Utah, which is seriously one of the most beautiful places I’ve seen (sometimes I take it for granted), but one of the downsides is the winter. The air gets so dry, and even though that dry air creates the greatest powder skiing around, it also dries out my skin.
Want to try glamping, but not sure? Go to Firelight Camps located in Ithaca, NY. It’s an amazing stay with all the comforts of a hotel, but the adventure of camping! You will honestly get the best of both worlds!